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Release of SP1 for PathFinder 6.1

PathFinder 6.1 Service Pack 1

Service pack 1 for PathFinder 6.1 is now available for download on the Orion extranet. This comprises updates for both server and tools. There are over 30 issues resolved in this service pack.

Issues resolved with the PathFinder viewer include user access issues with viewer users caused by the database schema changes in the initial 6.1 release, and an issue with viewer access to the datastore when determining the IP address to connect to.

On the translator side, we now handle the parsing of numeric fields in exponential format, which is useful particularly for data files created from MS Excel spreadsheets. The spreadsheet package has a habit of storing numeric fields in this format, and PathFinder will now interpret these correctly.

As always, the service pack includes the latest CA certificates from the major certificate providers.

The upgrade to service pack 1 for an existing 6.1 server is fast and requires minimal business disruption, as there are no changes to the database. There will of course be no disruption for any site using the PathFinder High Availability module to spread the processing load across multiple PathFinder servers, as these can be upgraded in turn. Any site using a previous version of PathFinder and wishing to upgrade to 6.1 will upgrade directly to this service pack.

The PathFinder toolset (client, mapper and viewer) for SP1 can be installed immediately for any 6.1 user, as they are compatible with any 6.1 release.

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